Monday, February 13, 2012

Michael G Martin

Here long before the appearance of human kind, trees and their set of branches and limbs is strength and perseverance epitomized.  Whether standing strong or downed from natural causes or man initiated and processed, the branches serve their purpose through their entire lifespan and beyond and provide multiple purposes to many other living things.  The organic shapes and lines connect deeply with the human psyche, instilled to notice and recognize the beauty in the natural way of things 

Michael G Martin

Photographing the beach allows for new discoveries everyday from the viewpoint of an artist.  Being a longtime Floridian, the beach is close to the heart and the home and will always afford inspiration to anyone.  The geography of the Earth of where the vast natural expanse of water meets the human domain of land, one can't help but feel the connection in the spirit of the two places.
Michael Gerald Martin

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lisa Silversmith

Artist Statement
I begin photographing seagulls in the summer of 2009. I considered it a challenge because seagulls are chronically in motion. As a reflection of my tumultuous life, the gulls were boisterous and seemed to be disorganized. They had on common goal – to find sustenance. The gulls congregated around a specific spot and competed against one another, much like fellow photographers. They hoped for the best and were determined to be successful. They were extremely observant of their surroundings. The seagulls were united in their quest, yet separate in their identity. As I strove to find myself through photography, I began to discover my own new, emerging identity – as a photographer. I continue to capture the seagulls as I follow my dream. I, also, desire the inimitable outcome. - Lisa Silversmith

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Erika Rech

Theme: Beach
Artist: Erika Rech
Title of work: Home
Artist Statement: I photograph what moves me spiritually, mentally, and emotionally- simple as that. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Elizabeth Mounts - Birds

The birds of Florida vary from the Blue Jay to the Crow. In these images I’ve tried to capture the beauty and variety of our local birds, specifically in Daytona Beach. 



Elizabeth Mounts

throughHislens | sean wright

Branches theme - Rite of Spring - throughHislens | sean wright

Through this series I hope to evoke a feeling of nostalgia and rekindle the respect that planet Earth deserves. The photographs were taken with an infrared filter, which is light unseen through the human eye. Infrared literally means “below red” because it is at a frequency which is lower than red (the longest wavelength of visible light). The everyday scene is now transformed into something majestic and memorable. This series reveals beauty within the unknown by exploring the beauty in what has already been created. Moreover, it is about reestablishing a relationship with and within nature on a first-hand experience that I encourage you to explore for yourself.

sean wright