Friday, February 3, 2012

throughHislens | sean wright

Branches theme - Rite of Spring - throughHislens | sean wright

Through this series I hope to evoke a feeling of nostalgia and rekindle the respect that planet Earth deserves. The photographs were taken with an infrared filter, which is light unseen through the human eye. Infrared literally means “below red” because it is at a frequency which is lower than red (the longest wavelength of visible light). The everyday scene is now transformed into something majestic and memorable. This series reveals beauty within the unknown by exploring the beauty in what has already been created. Moreover, it is about reestablishing a relationship with and within nature on a first-hand experience that I encourage you to explore for yourself.

sean wright


  1. Interesting use of color and composition!

  2. Congratulations! Your work has been chosen to be used in the Daytona Public Art Project. We will need additional photos. We will be in touch!

  3. Hello Sean,
    We are in need of at least 7 additional photos.
    Beth Dobberstein
    Public Art Selection Committee
