Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lisa Silversmith

Artist Statement
I begin photographing seagulls in the summer of 2009. I considered it a challenge because seagulls are chronically in motion. As a reflection of my tumultuous life, the gulls were boisterous and seemed to be disorganized. They had on common goal – to find sustenance. The gulls congregated around a specific spot and competed against one another, much like fellow photographers. They hoped for the best and were determined to be successful. They were extremely observant of their surroundings. The seagulls were united in their quest, yet separate in their identity. As I strove to find myself through photography, I began to discover my own new, emerging identity – as a photographer. I continue to capture the seagulls as I follow my dream. I, also, desire the inimitable outcome. - Lisa Silversmith


  1. Congratulations! Your work has been selected for the beautification project in downtown Daytona. Additional photos will be needed. We will be in touch with you soon.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    We are in need of 7 more photos. We also need an e-mail address to contact to you at.
    Beth Dobberstein
    Public Art Selection Committee
